What is Linking Hearts?
Linking Hearts provides domestic violence and homelessness support to women and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation.
Linking Hearts brings a range of expert service providers together to deliver holistic support options focusing on prevention and early intervention, safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation, rapid rehousing and intensive support for clients with complex needs.
Our Referral Process
MWA has the responsibility for the overall case management of all referrals. As such, all cases are referred to the MWA Case Management team for initial assessment.
On assessing the client for suitability and needs the MWA Case Manager will then determine the appropriate interventions needed. A case management plan will be prepared by the Case Worker, with the client, and supported by the Linking Hearts Team Leader. The Case Worker will support the client and and refer the client to any wrap around services as required. This may include, but is not limited to, housing support, brokerage, financial counselling, legal support, personal counselling, and support groups. Clients can be supported at home, through crisis accommodation, prevention, intervention, and post-crisis.
Self referrals are accepted, as are referrals from stakeholders, service providers and other government and non-government agencies.
Our Clients
Linking Hearts is designed to support families. A family can be a single parent, mother or father, and children or both parents with children. Linking Hearts does not provide support to single adults.
Linking Hearts supports families in need of any race, religion or culture and in ways that are cognisant of the specific cultural needs of our clients.
The partnership model that underpins Linking Hearts allows all members of a family in need to receive the appropriate support at an individual level while still maintaining a holistic support plan for the family unit itself.
The Ambassadors Program
The Linking Hearts Ambassador Program is an alliance of male ambassadors who use individual and/or combined resources, knowledge and expertise to positively impact the sphere of Domestic and Family Violence in Australia; the goal is to end Domestic and Family Violence in Australia.

Have an Enquiry or a Referral?
- 0412 549 524
- 02 9786 4404
- info@linkinghearts.org.au
- 47 Wangee Rd Lakemba NSW 2195